way to register a business name with either the state or a local jurisdiction, such as a county. A DBA name is also called an assumed name, fictitious business name or trade name.
A DBA name is typically used when you want to use multiple names for one business, or if you are a sole proprietor wanting to be recognized as a name that is not your legal name. For example Business Filings Incorporated is our legal name, and we have a DBA of NIMA Accounting.
Why a DBA name is important
DBAs allow sole proprietorships and general partnerships to conduct business under a name other than the owner’s or owners’ personal name(s). For C corporations, S corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and nonprofit corporations, filing a DBA allows them to transact business using a name other than the official company name that is included in the incorporation documents.
Once the DBA filing is approved, the business can use the name as its official business name and:
- Open a business bank account
- Create stationery or business cards using the DBA name
- Develop advertisements and/or list the company in directories
- Undertake transactions on behalf of the company
Common reasons for DBA Filing
There are a number of reasons why business owners choose to file a DBA, and these reasons may vary by business typeThere are a number of reasons why business owners choose to file a Doing Business As, and these reasons may vary by business type. Common reasons include:
- To transact business under a name other than the official name of the company or the sole proprietorship. A DBA name allows a sole proprietor, corporation or LLC to name the business something other than the legal name, which in the case of a sole proprietor is the name of the individual.
- Open a business bank account. Banks typically require sole proprietorships and general partnerships to have a DBA before opening a business bank account.
- Additional business credibility. Having a DBA can lend additional credibility for sole proprietorships and general partnerships.
- New name for new business activity. Often a DBA filing is made when a company wishes to enter a new line of business or to market a new product or service.
- Domain name as Doing Business As. A DBA name can be filed in order for a company to transact business under the company’s domain name.
- Public notification. A DBA filing notifies other businesses that the name is in use, as the DBA name becomes part of the public record.